Paradigmenwechsel in der Photogrammetrie durch digitale Luftbildaufnahme?

Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation, 2003
We describe the UltraCam-D large format digital aerial camera system as a contribution to end the role of aerial film. We discuss the persuasive advantages of digital sensors, which result from replacing film by pixel arrays. But we also address the most interesting aspect of the new technology, representing a paradigm shift away from the 100 years of minimizing the number of aerial images for a given accuracy goal. This will be replaced by the use of redundant images for the optimization of the robustness of procedures, the succes of automation and the increase of geometric accuracy. This invitation to acquire redundant data results from the lack of any costs for film, photo processing and scanning. However, to take full advantage of this redundancy the photogrammetric work flow must become totally digital and software must get enhanced to deal with this type of redundant data. Because of the economic disadvantage and the inability to provide this type of redundancy, the use of film in aerial photogrammetry May no longer be of interest.


<a href="">Paradigmenwechsel in der Photogrammetrie durch digitale Luftbildaufnahme?</a>